Spring has definitely arrived, we hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine!
We have been very busy this month taking part in outings around the area, learning all about the world we live in. The children have been on a few trips including; Broomhill Library, Ipswich Museum and Christchurch Park. Adventurers children really enjoyed the trip to the museum and took a keen interest in all the different animals. They had fun dressing up in past war outfits and even explored some of the old houses families lived in.
The children have also been celebrating ‘Mothers’ Day’ creating some lovely gifts for their mummies. The children helped to make, chocolate lollies, Mothers’ Day cards and necklaces as gifts, we hope you all enjoyed your presents and day of rest!
Discoverers and Explorers went on a little adventure down to Broomhill Library and joined in with a musical session ‘Tots Rock’. The younger children have taken a keen interest in stories, music and singing recently and the trip to the library really emphasised their enjoyment. The children had great fun dancing, singing and exploring the puppets. After dancing the morning away, we explored some of the books and even brought some back to the Nursery to share with our friends.
The Lodge now have its very own library card, which we can use on a regular basis with the children. We will be returning to the library again very soon to join in with ‘Tots Rock’ and swap our books for some more!
Nick Butterworth, a children’s author and illustrator, came to visit Ipswich Prep School on Thursday 28th March. The children were lucky enough to visit the Ipswich Prep School to hear Nick Butterworth read his new book ‘One Springy Day’. We also joined in the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of ‘Percy The Park Keeper’. It was lovely to meet Nick again after he opened ‘The Lodge’ back in January 2018.
New Staff
We are very pleased to let you know we have two new members of staff that have joined the Lodge this month. Thea who will be joining the Adventurers team and Sarah joining Discoverers & Explorers. We are very excited to have both staff members join the team and we hope you join us in giving them both a warm welcome too! Lydia and Nurdine joined us in January and we have welcomed them too.
I joined The Lodge in January 2019 and have enjoyed getting to know the children and meeting their parents and family members. I have settled in well and would like to thank all the current staff and parents for their support and patience. The last 3 months have whizzed by and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to getting to know you and your children all better during their time at The Lodge.
Hi My Name is Sarah. I am currently studying for my level 5 Early Years Practice at the University of Suffolk. I have previously worked at Elderweiss Day Care Nursery for 18 months in the baby room and have a wealth of experience. I am very pleased to be here with the team and I am looking forward to getting to know all of the children and families.
Hello my name is Thea, I have very recently joined the Nursery after working at a
primary school for the past few years. I have specialised in speech and language
through my career and have a wealth of knowledge I can bring to the Adventures room and The Prep. In my spare time I like to spend time with my family and going to the gym. I am really looking forward to working with everyone and bringing my ideas to life.
I started working for the Nursery in January 2019 working in Discoverers and Explorers. I have loved the setting and getting to know all the staff, children and parents. I currently have a group of four key children whom I have helped settle into the Nursery, creating lovely key-person bonds. As the time goes on I am looking forward to watching them grow and develop as they get older.
Messages for Parents:
IMPORTANT: Essential items, please remember to send in summer hats and a change of clothes and if these could be labelled.
Drop Off & Pick Up Points
All parents to use the main reception door at the front of the building and ensure that your child is signed in/out.
Adventurers’ Large Apparatus sessions in The Lower Prep Hall
On Friday mornings, during term time, whilst The Play Together Group are using the Adventurers’ room, we will be taking the Adventurers for a large apparatus activity session in the Lower Prep hall. This not only gives us a bigger space to develop gross motor skills, but also greatly helps with the transition for the children into the Nursery Class in Lower Prep. If you could ensure your children arrive before 10am we can make sure they can take part in this activity.
Breakfast Club at The Lodge – Ipswich Prep Nursery & Reception pupils
by booking only to hello@lodgedaynursery.co.uk
£4.95 per session, per child including breakfast 7.45 – 8.15
Please advise us when your child will not be attending e.g. for holiday or sickness—see below.
Late collection policy
Please see our Terms & Conditions.